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International Financial Cooperation Forum The 7th International Financial Cooperation Forum(7th IFCF)

  • Date 2023-02-20
  • Venue Grand Ballroom Hanra, Seoul Dragon City
  • Theme Global Financial Cooperation in the Digital Transformation
  • Host Council on International Financial Cooperation, Financial Services Commission


Time, Main Contents
Date Time Main Contents
2023-02-20 09:00 ~ 09:30 Registration & VIP Tea Time
2023-02-20 09:30 ~ 09:40 Opening Remarks - Jong Kyu Park, Chairman, Council on International Financial Cooperation
2023-02-20 09:40 ~ 09:50 Welcome Remarks - Joo-hyun Kim, Chairman, Financial Services Commission
2023-02-20 09:50 ~ 10:00 Congratulatory Remarks - Mahendra Siregar, Chairman, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK)
2023-02-20 10:00 ~ 10:45 Ceremony for the 10th Anniversary of the Council on International Financial Cooperation
2023-02-20 10:45 ~ 11:15 Keynote Speech - Teresa Czerwińska, Vice President, European Investment Bank
2023-02-20 11:15 ~ 11:30 Reflecting 10 Years of CIFC and Ways Forward - Yoonsok Lee, Center Head, Center for International Financial Cooperation
2023-02-20 11:30 ~ 12:00 Break
2023-02-20 12:00 ~ 12:05 Luncheon Remarks - Pataravasee Suvarnsorn, Senior Executive Vice President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand
2023-02-20 13:30 ~ 14:40 Presentations by CIFC Members and Partner Institutions - Yoonsung Jung , Team Manager, Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute/ Jimi Shin, Team Manager, Financial Security Institute/ Mesang Lee, Team Manager, Korea Credit Guarantee Fund/ Youngwoon Kim, Head of Global Cooperation Team, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation/ John Donghoon Shin, Head of KRX Global Business Team, Korea Exchange/ Tony Park, Team Head, Korea Securities Depository/ Sunjoon Choe, Team Manager, Korea Asset Management Corporation/ Prapoj Preechachalieo, Vice President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand/ Szu-Wei Lin, Manager, Joint Credit Information Center
2023-02-20 14:40 ~ 15:00 Closing

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