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Forum Thailand-Korea Financial Cooperation Forum

  • Date 2023-06-13
  • Venue Sukhumvit Room, 8F, Carlton Hotel Bangkok, Thailand
  • Theme The Future of Finance: Embracing Innovation and Competition
  • Host Bank of Thailand, Financial Services Commission, and Council on International Financial Cooperation
  • Link https://cifc2023thai.or.kr/


Time, Main Contents
Date Time Main Contents
2023-06-13 09:30 ~ 10:00 Registration & VIP Tea Time
2023-06-13 10:00 ~ 10:05 Opening Remarks -JongKyu Park, Chairman, Council on International Financial Cooperation
2023-06-13 10:05 ~ 10:10 Welcome Remarks -Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput, Governor, Bank of Thailand
2023-06-13 10:10 ~ 10:15 Congratulatory Remarks -Jeong-kag Kim, Standing Commissioner, Financial Services Commission
2023-06-13 10:15 ~ 10:20 Honorary Remarks -SeoungHyun Moon, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2023-06-13 10:20 ~ 10:30 VIP Photo Session
2023-06-13 10:30 ~ 10:50 The Future of Finance: Embracing Innovation and Competition -Tharith Panpiemras, Assistant Governor, Financial Institutions Policy Group, Bank of Thailand
2023-06-13 10:50 ~ 11:10 Regulatory Challenges And Opportunities In The Rapidly Evolving Banking Landscape -Heung Jin Kwon, Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Finance
2023-06-13 11:10 ~ 12:00 Cross-Border Collaboration Between Thailand And Korea In Promoting Financial Innovation And Competition -Pariwat Kanithasen, Deputy Director, Bank of Thailand /Tawan Thammanichanon, Head of International Trade Product Management, Kasikornbank PLC/ Sungbae Park, Assistant Manager, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation /Seoyoung Kim, Senior Analyst, Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute /Joon Mo Kim, Senior Deputy Director, Korea Credit Guarantee Fund /Sungjun Chun, Director, Korea Credit Bureau

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